We have all pictured that perfect Christmas morning. Everyone is in their matching pajamas, all the kids are getting along, and everyone received the exact gift they asked Santa for. We want a Norman Rockwell painting to come to life. But Christmas rarely works out like this. Our Christmas never matches our ideal Christmas and the first Christmas was no exception. A young, ordinary couple, with a (somewhat) scandalous story, sent out of town, unable to find a place to have their first child. Maybe our holiday plans are falling apart. Maybe our life isn’t going to plan. How can we still be thankful in spite of our surroundings? How can we rejoice in the middle of instability, uncertainty, and confusion? The Christmas story reminds us to be thankful in all circumstances. Rejoice, because God is still working. Rejoice, because peace and joy has arrived. Rejoice, because miracles can still happen. Rejoice, because salvation has come.